Knox City Orthodontics
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Is early evaluation more effective?

Problems detected early offer greater opportunity for effective treatment. Monitoring the growth and development of your child's teeth helps avoid serious problems that might develop later on. We won’t recommend treatment unless, or until, it’s necessary, but early evaluation ensures we address issues before they arise.

Early treatment
Early treatment

The ideal age is 8

Age 8 is when first molars appear, establishing your child’s bite pattern. Your orthodontist can now evaluate the front-to-back and side-to-side tooth relationships. This will determine if your child might be prone to an overbite, crowded teeth or a ‘gummy smile’. This is the ideal window to begin interceptive treatment. If your child is between the ages of 8 and 10 and has a referral from your dentist then please make an appointment to see us. If your child is older than 10, we do offer free initial consultations.

Interceptive treatment can affect your child for life

Here are some of the benefits of early orthodontic treatment:

  • Creating facial symmetry by influencing jaw growth
  • Reducing the length of treatment time needed with braces
  • Reducing the need for tooth removal
  • Creating room for crowded ‘erupting' teeth
  • Reducing the risk of trauma to protruding front teeth
  • Preserving space for teeth that haven’t yet ‘erupted’
Early treatment
Early treatment

Is orthodontic treatment right for your child?

While orthodontics can improve the aesthetics of your smile, it also improves ‘bad bites’ or malocclusions which occur when your teeth or jaw are misaligned. Misalignment can affect your facial profile, your ability to chew and clean your teeth, and how you feel about your smile.

Treating a ‘bad bite’ or malocclusions

Untreated malocclusions can result in a variety of problems. Crowded teeth are difficult to brush and floss correctly which can contribute to tooth decay and/or gum disease. Teeth that protrude are susceptible to accidental chipping. Cross bites can cause teeth to grow incorrectly and can also result in uneven tooth wear. An open bite can create tongue-thrusting habits and even speech impediment. All of these problems are easily treatable with proper orthodontics. The result is not only a more attractive smile, but better overall health.

Early treatment